Romeo & Juliet – Everyman Youth Theatre

What is greater? Love for your family? Or love, so intense, so passionate, so violent that you risk losing everyone you hold dear? Your family, your friends? Or has your destiny already been determined? Romeo and Juliet is the classic tale of boy meets girl, but whose families are so entrenched in hate and loathing for one another that when their worlds collide all is irrevocably lost.

Following sell out performances of Macbeth at last year’s festival, the award-winning Everyman Youth Theatre (Winners of National Theatre Connections) return to perform Shakespeare’s classic tale of the two star crossed lovers and their tragic demise.

“Professionalism, dedication and meticulous attention to detail” Entertainment South Wales.

Beth sydd bwysicaf? Cariad at eich teulu? Neu gariad mor ddwys, mor angerddol, mor dreisgar fel eich bod mewn perygl o golli pawb sy’n annwyl i chi? Eich teulu, eich ffrindiau? Neu a yw eich tynged eisoes wedi’i phennu? Stori glasurol am fachgen yn cwrdd â merch yw Romeo a Juliet, ond gyda’u teuluoedd wedi ymwreiddio mewn casineb ac atgasedd at ei gilydd, pan fydd eu bydoedd yn gwrthdaro mae popeth yn cael ei chwalu am byth.

Yn dilyn perfformiadau a werthodd bob tocyn o Macbeth yn yr ŵyl y llynedd, mae cwmni arobryn Theatr Ieuenctid Everyman (Enillwyr National Theatre Connections) yn dychwelyd i berfformio stori glasurol Shakespeare am y ddau gariad anlwcus a’u tranc torcalonnus.

“Proffesiynoldeb, ymroddiad a sylw manwl i fanylion” Entertainment South Wales


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Cardiff Open Air Theatre Festival Sophia Festival

Sophia Gardens

Sophia Gardens (Welsh: Gerddi Sophia) is a public park in Riverside, Cardiff, Wales, on the west bank of the River Taff.

The gardens are listed on the Cadw/ICOMOS Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in Wales.

Sophia Gardens is located close to Cardiff city centre and is adjacent to Bute Park and Pontcanna Fields. It is linked to Bute Park by the Millennium footbridge over the River Taff (1999). In addition to the Glamorgan County Cricket Ground, the park contains the Sport Wales National Centre, Brewhouse & Kitchen public house, an exhibition area and a car and coach park, and the former warden’s house.

Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, CF11 9HW

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