Guys and Dolls

Sat 27th Jul 2024, 3:00pm and 8:00pm

Will Adelaide finally get her man to settle down? Will Sister Sarah see beyond the face value of a gambler? Will General Cartwright let herself rock the boat?

The timeless, smash hit Broadway musical rolls its dice this July, bringing colourful New York street scenes into the Welsh open air. Frank Loesser’s legendary musical shares the tale of likeable rogue Nathan Detroit and his underworld fraternity as their gambling crap game takes them on a Mission too far!

Making a welcome return to the Festival following his brilliant 2023 production of Addams Family, director Gregory Ashton leads this feel-good sensation, famed for its wit, heart and unforgettable toe-tapping score.

A fydd Adelaide yn llwyddo i gael ei dyn i setlo o’r diwedd? A fydd y Chwaer Sarah yn gweld y tu hwnt i wynebwerth gamblwr? A fydd y Cadfridog Cartwright yn gadael i’w hun siglo’r cwch?

Bydd sioe gerdd hynod boblogaidd Broadway yn taflu’i dis ym mis Gorffennaf, gan ddod â golygfeydd stryd lliwgar Efrog Newydd i awyr agored Cymru. Mae sioe gerdd chwedlonol Frank Loesser yn rhannu hanes y cymeriad twyllodrus hoffus Nathan Detroit a’i frawdoliaeth tanddaearol wrth i’w gêm gamblo taflu dis fynd â nhw ar un Genhadaeth yn ormod!

Yn dychwelyd i’r Ŵyl yn dilyn ei gynhyrchiad gwych o Addams Family yn 2022, y cyfarwyddwr Gregory Ashton sy’n cyflwyno’r wledd hwyliog yma, sy’n enwog am ei ffraethineb, ei chalon a’i sgôr bachog bythgofiadwy.


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Sat 27th Jul 2024, 3:00pm and 8:00pm

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Cardiff Open Air Theatre Festival Sophia Festival

Sophia Gardens

Sophia Gardens (Welsh: Gerddi Sophia) is a public park in Riverside, Cardiff, Wales, on the west bank of the River Taff.

The gardens are listed on the Cadw/ICOMOS Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in Wales.

Sophia Gardens is located close to Cardiff city centre and is adjacent to Bute Park and Pontcanna Fields. It is linked to Bute Park by the Millennium footbridge over the River Taff (1999). In addition to the Glamorgan County Cricket Ground, the park contains the Sport Wales National Centre, Brewhouse & Kitchen public house, an exhibition area and a car and coach park, and the former warden’s house.

Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, CF11 9HW


27 Jul 2024
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